Today, I would like to tell you what my own personal 3 favorite affiliate marketing programs are and why.
#1: USFreeAds
USFreeAds is my newest favorite affiliate program.
With their system a person just has to have a need to place an ad. That goes far beyond Internet Marketing by encompassing partically everyone in the world. However, with their system you can still target your information to specific geographical locations. If you're looking for the best classified ad system look no further. However, since this article is about affiliate marketing I'll leave investigating the actual tool up to you.
USFreeAds has a 40% commission 2 tiered residual affiliate marketing program. Let's break that down…
"40% commission"
You receive 40% of all sales from people you refer that use any of the paid services of USFreeAds.
"2 Tiered"
You receive 5% of all sales volume for every referal that signs up and begins using either USFreeAds gold or premium services.
Other programs allow you to earn once and then your done. With USFreeAds you earn each and every month someone renews their account or requests one of the paid services that USFreeAds has.
"Affiliate Marketing Program"
Considering that the premium membership is only $10 per month, the service of USFreeAds really make sense. Yes 40% of $10 is not a large payout, but considering the number of people who would potentially want to use these classified advertising services this is an opportunity you really don't want to miss. Afterall 40% of $10 times 250 active participants does equal $1000. Also, I think you will agree that the system practically sales itself.
#2: Aweber
If you have a website and you want repeat visitors then you need to give people a reason to return. One of the best ways to do that is to promote yourself within your own E-mail newsletter. My opinion is that the #1 best service for automating this entire process is Aweber. Be sure to check out their free test drive option when investigating this program further.
Aweber offers a 20% commission 2 tier residual income opportunity.
For explanations of what "2 tier" & "residual" mean please refer to the information under USFreeAds.
"20% commission"
This works just the same as USFreeAds 40% commission while decreasing your actual earnings to only 20%. While that's less money, Aweber pays you more per account so it really does balance out in the end.
#3: GoDaddy
I've unsuccessfully used quite a number of service providers to build my website empires. It wasn't until I found GoDaddy that I actually came home to what for me was the best service provider on the Internet bar none. GoDaddy really is a one stop shop for all your Internet activities. However, what you may not have known is that they have an affiliate program that you really do wan to check out.
Earn up to $105 per hosting sale and 20% commission on GoDaddy's other great products.
While you miss the residual earnings as well as the tiered structure options, GoDaddy's product sales itself consequently putting money automatically into your bank account.
So there you have it. My own personal 3 favorite affiliate marketing programs. There are others but these are my top picks. Check out the link in my resource box for even more excellent ideas on how to make money as an affiliate marketer.
By Guy Siverson
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