I just wanted to share with you some of my favorite methods.
Articles, Articles, Articles
I have an article strategy that works like a charm to drive traffic to my website and it will work for you too. I use a manual article submitter program that allows me to add a list of article directories and fills in the fields when I am ready to submit my articles. I submit one article a week to about 100 article directory websites. This also article submitter software allows you to add directories as you find them. I did a search on Google for "article directory websites" and found a ton of great sites to add my articles to. Along with that I also purchased a lifetime membership to an automated article submission service. There was a time that I was using this service to submit one article a day for about 3 months. I did this because the more articles you have out on the internet, the more traffic you can drive to your website.
Search Engine Optimization
I also purchased some great tutorial videos which taught me how to rank highly in Google for keywords that people type in to the search engines to find home business opportunity. I'm sure that if you take a look at my site you'll see the phrase "home based affiliate business" on there a few times. You'll also find it on articles located on my website as well. Without getting too technically into this, SEO is the process of getting your website noticed by the search engines for certain keywords. It's based on on-page optimization such as keywords located on your website, and off-page optimization such as the anchor text that you include in your article resource box or biography(located at the end of your article where you get to say a bit about yourself and your website).
Learn For Successful Affiliate Marketers
When I first started my affiliate marketing business I looked up to fellow entrepreneurs who were having success. You might find them while searching for information on the search engines or by joining internet business forums. I've found them to be more than helpful. Signing up for an e-mail newsletter or two is a great way to pick their brains without even having to e-mail or call them directly.
I try to stay within a certain budget every month, and it consists of the costs involved in running my business and the products and programs mentioned above. I know sometimes it's tempting to spend money on things you believe will increase your traffic quickly, but if there's one thing I have learned it's that there are no quick fixes. If you are planning on spending though and you're not sure about the quality of the products, simply join an online forum dedicated to affiliate marketing, preferably one with a lot of members, and ask around about the product before you buy. Nine times out of 10 you'll either find a free way to do the same thing the product offers, or you'll realize that the product is a waste of money.
Just remember you can't do everything at once. The trick to is become proficient at a few techniques until you can do them like clockwork and have them built into your daily routine. Then look back at the free information you have acquired thus far online for something you might not have tried before and delve into it, and over time you will become better at that too. My best advice is to stay focused on developing profitable habits.
By Michael Laleye Laleye
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