Earning Online Income is great, but you need a system that will last...
There's no shortage of Make Money Online opportunities to choose from. The trick is choosing the opportunity that will generate cash flow for life. Let's look at exactly how to identify the winners...
Choose Forever In Demand Products or Services: Find a company promoting a product or service that will stay in demand forever. If it could be a fad, or become easily obsolete, move on.
For example, anything that teaches people how to generate internet traffic will always be in demand, as long as regular updates are part of the package. 8 Track tapes, however, become obsolete thanks to advancing technologies.
Look For a Compensation Plan That's Not Doomed to Fail: MLM's are great at first but can fall victim to their own success. Everyone wants easy, so when the system matures recruiting gets tough.
Once recruiting becomes tough new recruits are hard to come by. They don't join, or newbies quit, creating a cascade of imploding levels.
You want leverage, but look for the newer opportunities at the very least, and preferably a system with staying power.
Look for very easy to understand compensation plans: Some compensation plans are so exotic, and so complex you have to be a rocket scientist to understand them. That's a turn off, not only for you but for your sales force. Stay away from them.
Look for a clean, easy to understand compensation plan. This will be a strong selling point, and not a detriment, when trying to recruit others to your team.
Remember, keep it simple stupid is very powerful. Never ignore this and your results will greatly magnify.
Look for very simple marketing systems: Your sales force won't do a thing if it's not easy. The easier the better...
Look for company supplied marketing systems that virtually anyone can do, at little or no cost, in their spare time, and you'll have winner systems.
Look for a Free Trial: You should not have to put your own money at risk, either to join, or to test the company's marketing. If the system you're taking part in is a winner there will be plenty of free marketing systems that should bear fruit.
And if the system is that good, the company should allow you to join for free to prove it to yourself before ever asking you for a nickel. If the system is not that good you'll be asked for money to join, as that is the only way they will make any money, and you'll be left holding the bag.
Get A Great Support System: Look for support form the company and your direct sponsor. You should be able to easily contact them, and they should be able to easily support you.
You don't always need help from the company. As a matter of fact the person who recruited you should be easily accessible, and in fact should be willing to help build your business for you.
After all, if you don't succeed they don't succeed. Look for a sponsor and a company that are responsive.
The Secret to Your Success: If you simply become expert at vetting the great opportunities from the duds you'll find tremendous success.
Remember; look for opportunities with the following characteristics:
- Choose Forever in demand products or services.
- Look for a compensation plan that's not doomed to fail.
- Very easy to understand compensation
- Look for very simple marketing systems.
- Look for a Free Trial.
- Get tons of support.
If you are comfortable that the opportunity that you are looking at meets most if not all of the above characteristics then there is a much better chance that you can succeed with the opportunity!
Good hunting!
Keith Franksen
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